Central University of Technology CUT November Results

Central University of Technology CUT November Results

Student Systems


Student Services: +27 (0)51 507  3744

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Student Admin: +27 (0)51 507 3711

eThuto: +27 (0)51 507 3186

Login procedure on the student portal. Add the domain name CUT in front of the student number.The login details should be as follows:CUT201658201

Your Password

Student Login_w

Your password expires after 30 days. You can reset your password on campus or on the web.

  • All students (on the web): You can setup your account so that you can change your password on the web. Download/open instructions (PDF), 31/01/2018.
  • Bloemfontein: If your password has expired you can reset your password at the helpdesk in the foyer of the Student Academic Support Centre.
  • Welkom: If your password has expired you can reset your password in Lab 110 Block M.


  • Student Password Registration                                                                      You will need your student email address e.g. [email protected] and valid, active password to get access.
  • Student Password Reset                                                                                   Your User ID is your student email address e.g. [email protected]


The forms to appeal re-admission, special assessment, and expecting to graduate in the year are online. Visit, https://www.cut.ac.za/academic-administration/#assessment

Release schedules | Marks | Timetables

Summary: Rules and Regulations for Evaluation 2018 (PDF)

Summary: Rules and Regulations for Evaluation 2017 (PDF)

The following information is scheduled to be available on the specified dates.
Semester 1 Semester 2
Assessment Timetable 06 April 2018 27 August 2018
Programme Marks 18 May 2018 17 October
Assessment Results 29 June 2018 07 December 2018
Also available via: campus notice-boards, and mailed to each candidate.
Students with outstanding fees must contact Student AccountsTel: +27 (0)51 507 3763 / 3759 / 3758 / 3760
Read results Result codes FN (Fail Not Available)Please consult your Lecturer and not the Assessment And Graduation Unit.