CPUT Postgraduate Prospectus 2021 – 2022

CPUT Postgraduate Prospectus 2021 – 2022

Cape Peninsula University of Technology Postgraduate Prospectus 2021 – 2022 is available for Download

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We offer more than 70 career-focused courses.

The page menu will show you courses according to their level.

The documents and links below will help you choose the course that’s right for you.

  • Faculty Handbooks contain detailed information about each faculty and course.
  • The Online Prospectus will show you all our courses, their subjects, and their estimated cost.
Applied Sciences
Business and Management Sciences
Health and Wellness Sciences
Informatics and Design

CPUT Postgraduate Application 2021 – Applying to a Cape Peninsula University of Technology

First-time applicants and current CPUT postgraduate students

IMPORTANT: Prospective postgraduate students for full thesis studies must first identify a potential research topic and supervisor before applying. For information on the fields/ areas of study and supervisors click here. Acceptance is dependent on a supervisor being available for a specific field of study – you should consult with the department before submitting your application.

Be sure to include the following information when communicating with the department.
• Student number (if known)
• Proposed Qualification
• Proposed field of Research
• Possible supervisor (if known)

Sponsored Links

For information on the fields/ areas of study and supervisors click here.

To start the Application process go to: https://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply

Admission requirements

Postgraduate Admission Requirements

Closing dates

M & D Full Research is 15 March for both National and International applicants.

RETURNING higher degree (Master’s and Doctoral) and structured Master’s degree candidates must register by 6 March each year.

Guide to postgraduate studies

Find out more about postgraduate studies at CPUT on the Centre for Postgraduate Studies webpage.

Contact CPUT

Call centre [email protected] Tel: +27 21 959 6767
Applications, admissions
and registration enquiries
[email protected] Tel: +27 21 959 6393
Tel: +27 21 959 6270
Tel: +27 21 959 6072
Tel: +27 21 460 3393
Tel: +27 21 460 3373
Tel: +27 21 460 8353
Athlone Campus Klipfontein Road
Tel: +27 21 684 1200
Bellville Campus PO Box 1906
Symphony Way
(off Robert Sobukwe Road)
Tel: +27 21 959 6911
District Six Campus PO Box 652
Cape Town
Hanover and
Tennant Street
Tel: +27 21 460 3911
Granger Bay Campus PO Box 652
Cape Town
Beach Road
Mouille Point
Tel: +27 21 440 5700
Mowbray Campus PO Box 652
Cape Town
Highbury Road
Tel: +27 21 680 1500
Wellington Campus Private Bag X8
Jan van Riebeeck Street
Tel: +27 21 864 5200
Groote Schuur Hospital
(Service point)
Groote Schuur Drive
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 442 6160
Roeland Street Building Roeland Street
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 469 1000
Media City Building 1 Heerengracht Street
Cape Town
Tel: +27 21 440 2232
Tygerberg Hospital
(Service point)
Francie van Zijl Street
Tel: +27 21 959 5571