Eastcape Midlands TVET College Students De-Registration Process

The following is the procedure for all cancellations/de-registration of classes/subjects:

A student should cancel or de-register with the relevant Campus Manager and submit written evidence of cancellation/de-registration with valid reasons as to why he/she is cancelling/de-registering. The written document must be signed and dated by the student including contact numbers, address and parent/guardians details and handed to the Campus Manager.

The de-registration form must be signed and dated by the student as well as the campus manger, the administration clerk of the campus must send the original to the finance division at Head Office and keep a copy for the campus. It is the responsibility of the administration clerk to verify if the date and signature of the student was stipulated on the letter, a date stamp is to be used to indicate the date the administration clerk received the letter.

All supporting documentation must be attached to the de-registration form for record keeping purposes.

If the student does not submit a cancellation letter, the date the Campus Manager/Deputy Campus Manager/relevant Senior Lecturer signs the de-registration adjustment form will be used as the de-registration date and the account will be adjusted accordingly.

Students will be held liable for de-registration fees even if classes were not attended. The date of withdrawal will be considered and not the date of last attendance.