Mpumalanga University Application Closing dates 2017

Mpumalanga University Application Closing dates 2017

Mpumalanga University Application Closing dates 2017

Closing date for admissions is

Diploma in Nature Conservation
Dip (Nature Conservation)

Click here to download fees for Diploma in Nature Conservation

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(This qualification has been accredited and is awaiting registration with SAQA)

A three-year full time programme offered at the Mbombela Campus.

NQF level 6

This Diploma is designed to enhance the supply of graduates with a sound understanding of relevant theory associated with nature conservation and a well-developed ability to apply the theory in practice. The programme includes foundational subjects such as animal and plant science and soil science, management courses including accounting and human resource management, and major subjects including conservation ecology, environmental management and resource management. The third year is a year of work integrated learning during which students will be placed in the industry.

Our graduates will be able to perform competently, independently, creatively and innovatively to assist nature conservation in the region and more widely. They will be good communicators who are able to innovate by identifying opportunities within the conservation arena. Managerial skills will be learnt so that graduates can lead a team effectively.

By allowing students to focus on a particular aspect of conservation such as the conservation of birds or endangered flora, our graduates will have a competitive edge over those from other similar programmes.

Entrance requirements:


  • Minimum NSC requirements for diploma entry must be met.
  • Admission Points Score of 30.
  • English (home language or first additional language) on at least level 4 (50-59%).
  • NSC achievement rating of at least 2 (30-39%) for Mathematics or 3 (40-49%) for Mathematical Literacy.
  • Required subjects: one of Life Sciences or Geography with a level 4 (50-59%) pass.

NC(V) level 4:

  • NC(V) level 4 in Primary Agriculture.
  • English (home language or first additional language) on at least level 4 (50-59%).
  • NSC achievement rating of at least 2 (30-39%) for Mathematics or 3 (40-49%) for Mathematical Literacy.

2019Application for Admission

Application must be made on the prescribed forms and must reach the University of Mpumalanga (UMP) before the closing date. Forms are obtainable electronically from or from the following UMP Campuses and sites of delivery.

Mbombela Campus
Cnr R40 and D725 Roads
Mbombela 1200

Kanyamazane; MRTT Site of Delivery
Stand Number 9003 Kanyamazane Road Mbombela 1200

Siyabuswa Campus
Bheki Msundi Street
Siyabuswa 0472

Completed application forms should be submitted by email to: [email protected]


post/courier to:

The Registrar
UMP Mbombela Campus
C/r R40 and D725 Roads
Mbombela 1200


Private Bag X11283
Mbombela 1200


Deliver by hand to:
Any campus or delivery site on the university

Enquiries: 013 002 0001