NWU Online Registration Procedure Masters and Doctoral Students
E-mail addresses
During the online registration process, you will be asked to provide your email address for correspondence from the University. You are encouraged to supply your NWU Gmail email address. Your NWU Gmail email address is:[email protected] (e.g. [email protected])
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Click here to find out how to use your NWU Gmail email address and where to find help.
Registration information
How to register for master’s-degree and doctoral studies
- Students who have successfully applied for their studies may register before 31 March of every year.
- Students are reminded to always mention their student number/university number in all correspondence with the University.
First time registration for master’s degrees and doctorates
- The closing date for registration is 31 March, with the exclusion of selection courses where the relevant faculty determines registration dates.
- Web registration will be available from 15 January
- Should you not want to register online, the registration form must be requested from your faculty adviser or from Higher Degree Administration: Enquiries
- The completed and signed registration form, accompanied by proof of payment (deposit slip or internet printout, or an official letter from a bursar and/or establishment), must be submitted to the relevant faculty adviser.
- The registration process is completed only when you receive a Proof of Registration.
- Guidelines
- Web registration
M & D re-registrations
- Students who attend contact sessions on campus register according to the time allocated for registration in their programs.
- Students who re-register are advised to do so before 31 March.
- Web registration will be available from 15 January .
- Should you not want to register online, the registration form must be requested from your faculty adviser or from Higher Degree Administration: Enquiries
- The completed and signed registration form accompanied by proof of payment (deposit slip or internet printout, or an official letter from a bursar and/or establishment) must be submitted to the relevant faculty advisor.
- The registration process is complete only when you have received proof of registration.
- Guidelines
- Web registration