Sol Plaatje University Vacancies
Sol Plaatje University Vacancies, Sol Plaatje University occasionally publishes career information on their vacancy portal.
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For Current Information, kindly visit the vacancy portal
For Application and Registration Information:
The Registrar
Tel: 053 807 5300
Email:[email protected]
For further information on the applications process, please contact:
Ms Refilwe Taunyane,
Tel: 053 807 5377or
e-mail [email protected]
Sol Plaatje University Vacancies 2017/18, The Sol Plaatje University, which had provisionally been referred to as the University of the Northern Cape, opened in Kimberley, South Africa, in 2014, accommodating a modest initial intake of 135 students. The student complement is expected to increase gradually towards a target of 7 500 students by 2024. Launched in a ceremony in Kimberley on 30 June 2013, it had been formally established as a public university in terms of Section 20 of the Higher Education Act of 1997, by way of Government Notice 630, dated 22 August 2013. Minister of Higher Education and Training, Blade Nzimande, observed at the launch that this “is the first new university (in South Africa) to be launched since 1994 and as such is a powerful symbol of the country’s democracy, inclusiveness, and growth. It represents a new order of African intellect, with a firm focus on innovation and excellence.” Previously announcing the name for the university, on 25 July 2013, President Jacob Zuma mentioned the development of academic niche areas that did not exist elsewhere, or were under-represented, in South Africa. “Given the rich heritage of Kimberley and the Northern Cape in general,” Zuma said, “it is envisaged that Sol Plaatje will specialise in heritage studies, including interconnected academic fields such as museum management, archaeology, indigenous languages, and restoration architecture. The idea of establishing a university in the Northern Cape gained political endorsement in 2012, most notably in President Jacob Zuma’s announcement of 5 July 2012 that the seat and main campus for the university would be the inner city of Kimberley.