South Cape College Hessequa

South Cape College Hessequa

Hessequa Campus

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This campus is another example of what can be achieved when a TVET college, local authorities and Provincial Government take hands for the benefit of the area. Established with ex-MEC of Education in the Western Cape, Mr Cameron Dugmore, it is situated in the picturesque town of Riversdale. Various skills courses have been offered through the Innovation & Development Department.

The Innovation and Development is very active at Hessequa and a significant number of students have already received skills courses from the lecturers and facilitators.

Courses Offered

Report 191: N4 – N6 Courses
Management Assistant
Human Resource Management

Contact of South Cape College Hessequa

Contact us

TEL: 028 713 4775
FAX: 028 713 4775
EMAIL:[email protected]

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