UNISA – University of South Africa – Application Status

Check UNISA – University of South Africa Application Status

How to  check UNISA application status

These Five (5) simple steps would guide you to check your UNISA application status:

-Check your contact details were correctly submitted to UNISA

– Go to your UNISA Admin page to check and update your contact details

-Next use the “Track My Application” form

-Use the username (student number) and password you received when you applied

-E-mail to [email protected] if you have any problems accessing the site

Before you contact UNISA with problems checking your application status, you may want to spend some few minutes to crosscheck these:

-First, check that your application information was inputted correctly.

-If you haven’t yet heard anything from Unisa regarding your application for admission to Unisa , your contact information may have been incorrectly captured.

-Please go to the Unisa Admin to verify and/or change your contact information.

-Use the username (student number) and the password you received via e-mail when you applied to access this web address.

-It will then take you through to a page that will let you track the status of your application.
Please send an e-mail to [email protected] if you have any problems accessing the website.