University of Venda UNIVEN Courses Offered
University of Venda Courses, The following degrees / diplomas and certificates are offered in the school:
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Degrees | |
Bachelor of Arts | BA |
Bachelor of Arts in Education (Agriculture) | BAgric(Ed) |
Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies | BADS |
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations | BAIR |
Bachelor of Arts in Bachelor of Arts in Youth Development | BAYID |
Bachelor of Arts in Bachelor of Arts in Youth Development | BAYID |
Bachelor of Arts in Education (Music) | BA (Ed) (Mus) |
Bachelor of Arts in Education (Primary) | BA (Ed) (Prim) |
Bachelor of Arts in Education (Secondary) | BA (Ed) (Sec) |
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations | BA (IR) |
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work | BSW |
Bachelor of Musicology | BMus |
Bachelor of Pre-Primary Education | B.Pre-Pri(Ed) |
Bachelor of Education in Science Education | B.Ed(Sc.Ed) |
Bachelor of Education | B.Ed(Hons) |
Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education | BEDECE (Hons) |
Bachelor of Education in College Teaching | BEDCT(Hons) |
Bachelor of Education in Education Management | BEDEM(Hons) |
Bachelor of Education Guidance and Counselling | BEDGC(Hons) |
Bachelor of Education: Further Education and Training | BEDFET |
Master of Arts Degrees | MA |
Master of Arts | MA |
Master of Arts in International Relations | MAIR |
Master of Education (by dissertation) | MEd |
Master of Education in Curriculum Studies | MEDCS |
Master of Education in Education Management | MEDEM |
Master of Educational Foundations | MEd (Ed.Found) |
Master of Education in Philosophy of Education | MEd(PHIL) |
Master of Education in Science Education | MEd(ScEd) |
Master of Education in Teacher Education | MEdTE |
Master of Human Sciences | MHS |
Doctorate | Dr |
Doctor of Education | DEd |
Doctor of Philosophy | PhD |
Doctoral Degree in Gender Studies | PhDGS |
Doctor of Philosophy | PhD |
Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies | PhD(CS) |
Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education | PhD(Sc.Ed) |
Doctor of Philosophy in African Studies | PhD AS |
Diploma | |
Diploma in Choral Studies | DipCS |
Diploma in School Library and Information Science | Dip Sc Lib |
Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Educational Managemant) | PGDEEM |
Post Graduate Certificate in Education | PGCE |
Science Teacher Education Diploma | STED |
Post-Graduate Diploma in African Studies | PGAS |
Post-Graduate Diploma in Gender Studies | PGDIGS |
Certificates | |
Certificate Course in Business English and Communication | CCBEN |
Certificate in Education (Early Childhood Education) | CEEC |
Certificate in Educational Management | CEM |
Certificate in Music | CMUS |
Advanced Certificate in Education (Educational Management) | ACEEM |
Advanced Certificate in Education- Biology Educatiion (FET) | ACEBEF |
Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (FET) | ACEMEF |
Advanced Certificate in Education- Science Education (FET) | ACESEF |
Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (FET) | ACEMES |
Advanced Certificate in Education- Natural Science Education (SP) | ACENSS |
Advanced Certificate in Education- Mathematics Education (IP) | ACEMEI |
Advanced Certificate in Education – Natural Science Education (IP) | ACENSI |
Advanced Certificate in Remedial Education | ADCRE |
Advanced Certificate in Environmental Education | ADCEE |
Honours Degrees | Hons |
Bachelor of Arts Honours | BA(Hons) |
BA Honours in Applied Anthropology | BAHAPA |
BA Honours in Archaeology | BAHARC |
BA Honours in Literature and Media Studies | BAHLMS |
BA Honours in Heritage Studies | BAH |
BA Honours in African Studies | BAHAFC |
Honours Degree in Gender Studies | HONSGS |
Honours in Degree Applied Linguistics | HAL |
Honours Degree in Theoretical Linguistics | HTL |
Bachelor of Arts Honours in International Relations | BAHIR |