Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Architecture

Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Architecture

Architecture is the art and science of shaping the built environment, in order to support sustainable quality of life of its inhabitants. The National Diploma and BTech programmes focus on gaining strong creative, technical and practical problem-solving skills in construction methodology, materials and innovative detail building design.

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Learning takes place through interaction, discussion and debate between students, studio assistants and lecturers. Theory subjects provide support and the necessary knowledge and skills to apply in solving design challenges in the studio. The department employs innovative teaching and learning methods including interactive digital and online tools and social media. Students are also exposed to real-life community design-build work where learning happens through doing.

The entire second year of the National Diploma course is devoted to experiential learning in architects’ offices. Diplomats and graduates are registerable with SACAP (the South African Council for the Architectural Profession). After completion of the National Diploma (3 years), the diplomat may become a candidate architectural technologist and after an additional year, BTech (Applied design) degree, the graduate may qualify as a candidate senior architectural technologist.

The qualified architectural technologist will be involved with translating architectural design into the technical drawings and specifications used for the construction of buildings. There is also the option to proceed with the BTech (Applied design) year which may provide access to University studies in order to become a candidate architect. Employment opportunities exist with architectural practices, government institutions, property developers and others.

Our courses are accredited by SACAP and the CAA (Commonwealth Association of Architects) which means that they are recognized both nationally and internationally (in commonwealth countries).

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