Regenesys Business School Accreditation
- Council on Higher Education
- Department of Higher Education and Training (Registration Certificate Number 2000/HE07/023)
- South African Qualifications Authority
Further education and training (FET) accreditation:
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- Department of Higher Education and Training under the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2009/FE07/023
- UMALUSI (62108L007RE)
- Company accreditation:
- ISO 9001:2008 with SABS
- Level 3 BBBEE Contributor Rating
SETA accreditation:
- Finance, Accounting Management, Consulting and other Financial Services (Fasset)
- Services SETA (SSETA)
- Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality, Sport Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA)
- Public Services SETA (PSETA)
- Local Government SETA (LG SETA)
- Education, Training and Development Practices SETA (ETDP SETA)
- Safety and Security SETA (SASSETA)
Associations and memberships:
- Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
- Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)
- Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)
- South Africa Business School Association (SABSA)
- Institute of People Management (IPM)
- South African Council for Educators (SACE)
- South African Board for Personnel Practice (SABPP)
“With over 120 000 students educated since 1998 in over 1 000 of the most reputable local and international organisations, Regenesys is one of the fastest growing and leading institutions of management and leadership development in the world. This has been made possible only through our absolute commitment to excellence, the highest standards of quality and service delivery to our students, staff and all other stakeholders. At Regenesys, we assist individuals and organisations to achieve their goals by enhancing their management and leadership potential.”