UCT Student Outgoing Exchange Application Form

UCT Student Outgoing Exchange Application Form

  • Exchange Application for 1st semester (Jan – June) must be submitted by 15 May of the preceding year
  • Exchange Application for 2nd semester (Aug – Dec) must be submitted by 15 October of the preceding year
    In applying for a study abroad opportunity, you should be aware that:
The International Academic Programmes Office cannot guarantee that all advertised opportunities will be available every semester.
Until formally notified in writing by IAPO of the success of your application and final placement, you should not de-register from courses or cancel your student housing.
You must be a registered UCT student (undergraduate or postgraduate) at the time of the exchange.
NB Post Docs are not eligible for this exchange.
You will pay full UCT fees for the entire period of the exchange (i.e. no fee reductions will be given for the period).


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Personal details:
* = Mandatory fields

Click here https://www.iapo.uct.ac.za/iapo/intexchange/studapp