University of Johannesburg UJ Information Technology Courses

University of Johannesburg UJ Information Technology Courses

BSc Information Technology (​​​​BSIT01)

The BSc (IT) degree. This 3-year degree has Computer Science and Informatics as majors, and Mathematics must be taken as far as second year.

This course is formally accredited by the British Computer Society. After completion of the BSc Hons (IT) degree students will fully comply with the educational component to register as Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP) with the British Computer Society.

This accreditation confirms the international standard of this course and provides a sound foundation for a successful career in the IT industry both locally and overseas.

The full list of subjects for the course is detailed in the Faculty of Science APK Yearbook.

BSc Computer Science and Informatics (​​​BSIT02)

Please see the current  Faculty of Science APK Yearbook​ for details.

​​​Electrical And Electronic Engineering With Information Technology Endorsement (BSIT03)​


​Please see the current  Faculty of Science APK Yearbook for details.