University of Limpopo MBA Degree

University of Limpopo Master of Business Administration MBA

Admission requirements

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If you are an achiever, possess a Bachelors degree,’ have three years appropriate’ management experience, mathematics at school level and the drive for further study, the MBA offers the opportunity for self- actualisation and leadership growth.

The programme is delivered over a two-year period.

First year

The fundamental aspects of management competencies in the legal and economic context within which management operates are addressed.

• Principles of management

• Financial accounting

• Business law

• Economics for managers

• Research methodology

• Business statistics

The functional building blocks each contribute to the success of the organisation.

• Management accounting

• Human resource management

• Marketing management

• Operations management

• Financial management

Second year

The programme is integrated to achieve the strategic goals.

Information and technology management

International marketing

Business strategy


Managing people and change

Research report

The programme is structured to allow individual choice as provided for by electives.

Environmental management and tourism

Project management

Corporate governance


Lectures, group discussions and tutorial sessions are scheduled on Fridays and Saturdays and some evenings.

Contact person

Professor Gert Pelser

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +27 (015) 290-2835

Programme Assistant Tel/Fax: +27 (015) 290-2832

Email: [email protected]