University of Pretoria Doctor Philosophiae (PhD)

University of Pretoria Doctor Philosophiae (PhD)

The doctoral degree is a research degree where students work individually with an academic supervisor who provides the intellectual guidance, professional advice and support to complete a thesis.

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Doctor Philosophiae (PhD)

A student will only be admitted to doctoral degree studies if he or she is in possession of a master’s degree. The PhD degree study is conferred by virtue of a thesis. A complete research proposal in respect of the proposed thesis must be submitted to the Department of Nursing Science before a student will be allowed to register. A student who has not already passed Nursing Research Methodology (VNM 800 or its equivalent from another institution) must register for, and attend Applied Research Methodology (TNM 800).


For more information regarding the PhD programme, contact:

Prof FM Mulaudzi or Prof Tanya Heyns

Department of Nursing Science

School of Health Care Sciences

Faculty of Health

University of Pretoria

Private Bag X20



South Africa


Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

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