Wits University Postgraduate Online Application 2021 – 2022

Wits University Postgraduate Online Application 2021 – 2022

Online Applications for the academic year 2019 are now open. Please logon to the Student Self-Service portal or click on this link https://self-service.wits.ac.za/ to apply for residenceif you have already submitted an academic application for 2019.
  • Complete an online application to study at Wits University:
    1. Click here if you are already enrolled at Wits.
    2. Click here if you are new to Wits and want to create a new application.
    3. Click here to continue with an application you have already started.
  • Click here to download an application form.
  • Click here to go to the self-service portal (after you have applied) to do the following:
    1. upload supporting documents.
    2. check the status of your application.
    3. apply for residence.

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